Maintaining a hot tub or spa can prove difficult, particularly if low calcium levels are present. Low calcium begins to present with water softness but can snowball out of control to begin to corrode your vital spa equipment. Calcium Booster by Leisure Time prevents foaming and equipment corrosion by raising the water hardness in any hot tub or spa. Care and attention like this works to extend the life of your home retreat. Calcium Booster increases a necessary element in hot tub water- calcium. Water that is low in calcium can etch plaster and corrode spa and tub equipment. If your water feels softer than usual, use a test strip to gauge calcium and water hardness. You’ll pour the required amount of Calcium Booster to the water, based on the severity of need, and run the filter for a few hours. Then you’ll retest the water, and continue the process until you reach the appropriate calcium levels.