The story revolves around two sisters, Chloe and Nicky Taylor, whose lives take unexpected turns. Chloe, the older sister, finds success in the bustling streets of New York City, landing a coveted publishing job. Meanwhile, Nicky settles down with a promising young attorney named Adam McIntosh and becomes a loving mother to their son, Ethan. For a while, it seems like both sisters have found their own versions of happiness. However, fate has a different plan in store for them. Fourteen years later, Chloe finds herself married to Adam, while Nicky is now the estranged sister. Tragedy strikes when Adam is brutally murdered at their beach house, leaving Chloe devastated and in need of support. Reluctantly, she reaches out to Nicky, the teenage stepson’s biological mother, for help. As the investigation into Adam’s murder unfolds, the police begin to view Ethan as a potential suspect. This revelation forces the sisters to confront the dark secrets that they had both tried to bury in order to protect the boy they both love dearly. As they delve deeper into their shared past, they realize that their family’s history is more complex and twisted than they could have ever imagined.